Table of contents

Can I make a claim?

How do I make a claim?

What can I claim?

What if I’m deemed unfit to work?

What if I’m not happy with the decision regarding my claim? 

State/Territory Claim Forms

Can I make a claim? 

If you are injured in the course of your employment, you are entitled to lodge a claim for Workers’ Compensation. 

Your treating medical practitioner will need to issue you with a Certificate of Capacity. On this certificate, the doctor must identify the association between your employment and your condition. 

How do I make a claim?

If you are wanting to lodge a claim for Workers’ Compensation, if you are comfortable doing so, first discuss it with your manager. You should then contact your HSE Coordinator, who is also the Aspen Medical Return to Work (RTW) Coordinator, to discuss your condition and the claims process in general. Your HSE Coordinator will also be your RTW Coordinator, there to assist with return-to-work options if you’ve taken time off work.

To submit a claim, you will need:

  • a RiskMan report to be lodged
  • a Certificate of Capacity from your treating medical practitioner
  • any supporting medical reports.

Your RTW Coordinator will provide you with a copy of the relevant Claim form (each State/Territory has its own claim form). Once completed and returned to your RTW Coordinator, this form will be submitted on your behalf. The relevant insurer will then process your claim and issue a determination to either accept or reject liability.

What can I claim?

As long as you have a certificate and your doctor has prescribed treatment, medication or other, then you can claim any associated expenses with what is on the certificate. 

If your doctor has said you are unfit to and this is on your certificate, you can also claim any time off work.

What if I’m deemed unfit to work?

If your doctor has stated on the certificate that you are unfit to resume duties, or you are cleared only for reduced hours, your RTW Coordinator and or insurance claims manager will be in regular contact with you whilst you are off work. You will need to attend regular RTW meetings. These meetings are to monitor your recovery and keep conversations open with yourself, your manager, your RTW Coordinator and the Insurance Claims Manager regarding your recovery and return-to-work options for when you are cleared to resume duties. Whilst off work, you need to ensure your certificate is kept current.

Certificates need to be forwarded to:

  • your Manager
  • your RTW Coordinator
  • Payroll
  • your Insurance Claim Manager.

If you’re working reduced hours, you may need to complete a timesheet identifying the hours you worked and claim the rest as Workers’ Compensation leave – your RTW Coordinator will discuss this with you.

What if I’m not happy with the decision regarding my claim?

If you are not happy with the decision, once the insurer has issued a determination regarding liability, you have the right to request a reconsideration. You can discuss your options with your RTW Coordinator.

State/Territory Claim Forms

Please find below links to the relevant jurisdiction claim forms. Please complete the Employee section, then return the form with an accompanying Certificate of Capacity and any other associated documentation to your RTW Coordinator. The Employer section of the claim form will then be completed and submit the form on your behalf.

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales



For the below States and Territories, contact your RTW Coordinator.

  • Northern Territory
  • South Australia
  • Tasmania
  • Western Australia

Your HSE Coordinator can also provide advice if you require support.