Table of contents

What do I need to do if I want to work from home? 

Is this a formal arrangement? 

Getting the best from working from home 

How do I get the IT equipment I need to work from home? 

Do I need to have a home-based ergonomic assessment? 

What do I need to do if I want to work from home? 

  • You need to discuss this with your manager to ensure that working from home will suit both you and your managers operational requirements 
  • You need to ensure you have, or can arrange for, all necessary equipment to work safety and comfortably from home 
  • Review the Working from Home Guidelines and complete the Home-Based Work Application and Agreement form within the Guidelines. 

Is this a formal arrangement? 

Yes, this is a formal agreement. The benefit of having a formal agreement is that it ensures both you and your manager have clear, and agreed upon, understanding and expectations. The agreement identifies the days and hours you will be considered to be ‘at work’ whilst at home.  

Getting the best from working from home 

Download the working from home guidelines below for some useful tips on how to get the best from working from home.

Working From Home Guidelines 

How do I get the IT equipment I need to work from home? 

Once you have discussed and agreed on the option of working from home with your manager, you will both be able to identify what equipment you require. If you have a laptop, you will be able to take this with you (be sure to include the power cable). 

A request for any additional IT equipment should be sent to the IT Service Desk by your manager.  

Do I need to have a home-based ergonomic assessment? 

Your home-based work area should be as safe, tidy and comfortable place to work as if you were in the office. To assist you with ensuring this is the case, you should complete the Working from home Health and Safety and Workstation Self-Assessment Checklist, discuss the findings with your manager and if you require further assistance, contact the HSE team. 

Please also review the Setting up for success, safely card, and the Setting up your workstation for success video.   

Your HSE Coordinator can also provide advice if you require support.